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Le ore piccole

Mostra collettiva di dieci giovani artisti diplomati presso l’Ecole cantonale d’art di Losanna, italiani e svizzeri. Nello specifico saranno esposte le opere di Caterina De Nicola, Francesco Cagnin, Gabriele Garavaglia, Ilaria Vinci, Lorenza Longhi, Lucas Erin, Mattia Comuzzi, Simon Fahrni, Valentina Demicheli e Vinzenz Meyner. Le installazioni saranno collocate intorno a una figura statuaria dormiente. 

The group exhibition «Le Ore Piccole» is a choral narration around a stone figure lying on the floor of the gallery space. Originally, similar figures called Inuksuk – meaning «that which acts in the capacity of a human» – were used as landmarks by Inhuit to signal the presence of a particular community, fishing places, hunting grounds or for orienteering. Shifting the figure from its ancient vertical to the horizontal position frees the figure from its initial function and opens up new possibilities. Instead of being a mark in the landscape the figure become landscape itself. 

The title «Le Ore Piccole» comes from an italian expression that indicates the early hour of the night; they are called ‘little’ as little is the proportion of people awake compared to the one resting. Due to its antropomorhic quality the inert figure it’s also inevitably connected to a certain vitality. It easy to imagine that, like in Gulliver’s travel, this stone giant is asleep while other beings gather around him, taking advantage of its momentaneous vulnerability.

Vernissage: giovedì 7 giugno 2018 alle ore 19.00. Ingresso libero.

Maggiori informazioni

Dove e quando:
dall’8.06 al 30.6.18, venerdì dalle 12.00 alle 18.00 e sabato dalle 12.00 alle 18.00 o su appuntamento
inaugurazione 7.06.18 ore 19.00
Dienstgebäude, Töpferstrasse 26, Zurigo

  • Organizzato da: Ecole cantonale d’art di Losanna
  • In collaborazione con: Dienstgebäude e IIC di Zurigo